SEE and LCC have been independent companies since 1988; they are recognised by major industrial groups worldwide and small and medium-sized businesses and industries for their extensive knowledge of the craft of manufacturing seals in all qualities of elastomer according to special specific standards.
Our strengths:
- long experience of the industry
- housands of formulations available
- an immense production range
- unique specialities
- technological monitoring
- constant staff training
- very low turn over of staff
- a very demanding quality control department
- an international reputation for quality and service
SEE and LCC study:
- a sketch
- a plan
- a part
- a problem
to seek and propose the most suitable solution.

SEE and LCC produce:
- Prototypes
- small, medium-sized and large runs.
SEE and LCC manufacture:
- all kinds of seals, from the most straightforward to the most complex
- for all kinds of applications
- for all kinds of industries
- rubber seals
- elastomer seals
- plastic seals
- adherisation on all kinds of materials
- inserts in all kinds of materials
- special orders